Wednesday, October 22, 2008


A poster that got bashed by some people... i still love it and here it is on my blog.

This was one of the directions i proposed for my HVP awareness campaign that i'm designing... if you have an opinion about it... good or bad... do me a favor and comment on it

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A billboard for a musical event "JazzMania"... i'm not gonna post the whole branding project just now since it's not yet done... i just thought i'll post a piece and get some feedback. i'll do my best to post the whole project as soon as it's done.

Info Graphicz

a piece out of the HPV awareness campaign i'm doing... too much statistics necessitate an info graphics poster... i hope you like it

Sunday, October 5, 2008

And the hard work paid off, for the second time on the row

Well after all of the hard work on the Rockport challenge for this year, it paid off and it paid off very well. the piece turned out gorgeous, and I got to go to NYC and meet great designers.